Clinical Neuropsychologist and Psychotherapist - Lina Chatziantoniou


Lina Chatziantoniou is a qualified Clinical Neuropsychologist and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist.

Her aim is to offer high quality, holistic and individualised services for English speaking people that suffer from psychological and neurological disorders and seek help in their own language.

She offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a wide range of psychological difficulties - depression, anxiety disorders, panick attacks, relationship problems, anger management, low self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse, coping with major life changes, weight loss support, postpartum disorders. Sessions are held either in office or through skype, in English and Greek.

Lina Chatziantoniou is also specialised in neuropsychological assessment of cognitive functions and computerized cognitive rehabilitation. If you are English speaking and face some kind of neurological disorder that affects your cognitive functions, you need a) a thorough neuropsychological assessment in order to figure out which cognitive functions are affected and to what extent and b) a rehabilitation program in your language and tailored to your needs. 

I offer detailed evaluation of cognitive functions with the most up to date tests that will help your doctor formulate the diagnosis and decide upon treatment. After the assement, a detailed report and personalised treatment plan is given to you with recommendations about holistic intervention. As for intervention, I offer computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation using worldwide renowed software and psychoeducational sessions for caregivers of patients suffering from neurological disorders. 

You can find full details of my services in my personal website.