The Power Of Repeating Small Daily Habits
- by XpatAthens
- Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Do you want to change something that bothers you or that you no longer like but you are having a hard time? Don’t be surprised. Habits do not change easily. Having said that, however, it is up to you to succeed. The way to do it is by training your mind.
The word “training” includes two beautiful words: Fun and Power. That’s right! Having a good time while doing something is an essential component of the learning process. It is not only the goal, the result but also the process that is important. It won’t make a real difference to reach your own “Ithaca,” to achieve what you said you want if during the way you constantly look for ways to escape. When you enjoy what you do you get multiple benefits: your interest is high, you have fun, you always find the time, you do everything in your power to keep going and at the same time you learn. This whole process makes you stronger.
Do you remember the time you were madly in love, at the beginning of the relationship, when you found all kinds of different ways to fight adversity so that you may be together with your boyfriend or girlfriend? It’s exactly like this. Regardless of the obstacles, it is this enthusiasm and this power that guide you when you want to change something that you do not like or that stresses you.
So first think about the things you enjoy doing, those that make you happy. Then write them down and prioritize them. Choose one that gives you joy and that you feel it is doable based on your current situation. It does not have to be complicated. For example, a phone call to your best friend or reading five pages from your book may be enough. Then find out what time during the day is best for you to do it. Well done! Now you have your plan ready. Start applying it at the same time every day. Remember, every day at the same time. This creates new connections in your brain and new habits that replace the old ones. It is with small, daily, empowering habits that you train your mind. Repetition has power.
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Written by Nadia Georgiou
Written by Nadia Georgiou

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