Small Ways We Can Protect The Environment
- by XpatAthens
- Tuesday, 04 May 2021

There are so many small steps we can take to help protect the environment from using metal straws instead of plastic ones to reducing food waste by eating leftovers and making use of the vegetables in the fridge before they go bad.
Here are a few eco-friendly habits that do their part in protecting the environment on a regular basis. Which of these strategies will you try?
Turn off the lights when you leave the room
Marta from France recommends: “Ever since I was little, I was told to turn the lights off when I left a room. I’ve continued that habit into adulthood and have passed it on to my kids. There’s no need to keep the light on in an empty room, and every small green gesture helps.”
Bring your own bags to the grocery store
Kaleana from California recommends: “Since the pandemic began, our local grocery stores were forced to ban reusable bags. This has resulted in the excessive use of plastic bags for each grocery run. To help mitigate this, I began to request that the grocery clerk simply reload my groceries into the cart at checkout. Then, I would transfer the items into the reusable bags in the trunk of my car from the parking lot. This has allowed me to follow COVID protocols while reducing my carbon footprint!
Kaleana from California recommends: “Since the pandemic began, our local grocery stores were forced to ban reusable bags. This has resulted in the excessive use of plastic bags for each grocery run. To help mitigate this, I began to request that the grocery clerk simply reload my groceries into the cart at checkout. Then, I would transfer the items into the reusable bags in the trunk of my car from the parking lot. This has allowed me to follow COVID protocols while reducing my carbon footprint!
Swap out your paper towels for cloth
Nikki from Illinois recommends: “In an effort to leave a better world for my grandchildren, I started using cloth napkins and cotton towels instead of paper napkins and towels. Sadly, paper towel production not only destroys a large number of trees but also uses a lot of water. Not to mention, a lot of our paper products end up in landfills. I’ve also started using wool dryer balls versus the dryer sheets which are single-use and loaded with chemicals. I’m taking an inch-by-inch approach as I work to be a better steward of our planet.”
Nikki from Illinois recommends: “In an effort to leave a better world for my grandchildren, I started using cloth napkins and cotton towels instead of paper napkins and towels. Sadly, paper towel production not only destroys a large number of trees but also uses a lot of water. Not to mention, a lot of our paper products end up in landfills. I’ve also started using wool dryer balls versus the dryer sheets which are single-use and loaded with chemicals. I’m taking an inch-by-inch approach as I work to be a better steward of our planet.”
Start using a metal water bottle
Isabelle from California recommends: “I do not use plastic bottles anymore, and I’m making an effort to use only metal bottles that I refill when I am on the go. I also help a local organization, Child Creativity Lab, build STEAM kits for kid programs with recyclable materials and we encourage the local community and businesses to recycle materials going to trash by dropping them off at our lab.”
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Isabelle from California recommends: “I do not use plastic bottles anymore, and I’m making an effort to use only metal bottles that I refill when I am on the go. I also help a local organization, Child Creativity Lab, build STEAM kits for kid programs with recyclable materials and we encourage the local community and businesses to recycle materials going to trash by dropping them off at our lab.”
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