House Sitting
- by XpatAthens
- Thursday, 05 February 2015

And oldie, but goodie from Jack...I’ve spent the past week house-sitting for a friend in Koukaki, in the shadow of the Parthenon. Part of the deal is walking the dog 3 times daily – a task which I don’t mind at all, much less given that my dog-walking path is the Dionisiou Areopagitou pathway around the Acropolis. I mean, how much better does it get – early morning, deserted streets, quiet – and all the dog-owners out for their morning jaunt around the great symbol of the city…
I never thought of Athens as a ‘dog owning city’. I stand corrected.
I’ve walked around the historic centre this week more times than I can count. I told my friends I’ve been doing laps around the Acropolis. It’s surreal. And completely ‘normal’ too. I think it’s great that such an important monument forms such an ‘integral’ part of day-to-day life here. Whether you walk around it, drive around it, look at it through a distant window – it’s always there. And for every tourist with map in hand, staring at the rock – there is another local, on her way to meet a friend for a catch-up.
Life in the centre of Athens – for my taste – is fantastic. Everything is just around the corner. The streets are busy with voices and activity. Nightlife is ‘just over there’. And parking is… well, parking is no issue when you don’t even need a car.
So with the Acropolis Museum in front of me, Makriyianni street behind me, I wait for the real estate agent to show up – it’s about time I checked out some apartments down here…
Until next time,
In this weekly space, keep up with ‘Jack’ as he navigates daily life in Athens… Anecdotes, stories, hits & misses, the good, the bad and, well, the rest…