Summer Coffee in Greece: Frappe Vs. Freddo Variations
- by XpatAthens
- Saturday, 21 February 2015

Summer has already arrived in Greece; the sun is shining, the days are growing longer, the beaches are full of people looking for some fun and relaxation, and the cafes offer some of the most praised beverages against the hot weather. Cold variations of coffee are a must for everyone in Greece this time of the year. Enjoy your frappe while playing backgammon or chatting with your friends at a sea front cafe, try a cappuccino freddo after work and relax in the summer breeze or taste a strong espresso freddo before work and feel the energy flow within you.
The war of different coffee variations has begun. The traditional fans of frappe will not give up on the national cold coffee beverage for any other Italian-style coffee type, no matter what. The strong flavor and texture of frappe is unique and it symbolizes the summer, light spirit, good company and easy-going life. Dimitris Vakondios invented it by chance in 1957 during the International Thessaloniki Fair and ever since the frappe is typical of Greek contemporary culture. Add some milk and sugar to two or three tablespoons of Nescafe, stir very well in a shaker, pour some water and lots of ice cubes and there you go, your summer frappe is ready.
There are of course other alternatives to try. Cappuccino freddo is especially favored by Greeks. The Venetian monks version of cappuccino was established in the 17th century when they added milk and honey to Greek coffee. A milk foam called “afrogala” in Greek, lots of ice and some syrup depending on how sweet you like your coffee, create the biggest rival of frappe during the summer.
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By Stella Tsolakidou