Kyniska Of Sparta - The First Female Olympian
- by XpatAthens
- Monday, 26 July 2021

Kyniska (or Cyniska), a Spartan princess, was the daughter of King Archidamus II and sister to King Agesilaus. She owned a sizable estate where she bred, raised, and trained horses, and in 396 BC, when she was probably between 40 and 50 years old, she became the first woman to participate in the Olympic Games.
Unlike Athens and the other Greek city-states where girls were hidden from the public and learned only domestic skills, Sparta held races and trials of strength for girls as well as boys.
Kyniska’s childhood would have been full of athletic training: running, jumping, throwing the discus, and javelin, perhaps even wrestling. She had wealth and status but her ambition made her a legend and drove her to compete in the four-horse chariot race, or tethrippon, at the Olympics in 396 and 392 BC. She won both times.
This feat was especially impressive because women could not even step foot on the sacred grounds of the Olympic Sanctuary during the festival. Married women were forbidden on penalty of death from even attending as spectators, so, in order to compete Kyniska cleverly exploited loopholes.
In sports like wrestling or javelin, the victors competed individually on the field. In the chariot race, the winners were the horse owners, not the drivers – who were almost always slaves. Much like with the modern Kentucky Derby or Melbourne Cup, the victors are the horse and its owner, not the rider. Kyniska didn’t have to drive the chariot to win. In fact, chariot team owners did not even have to be physically present at Olympia during the games. Kyniska could enter her chariot team in the race without ever setting foot on the forbidden sacred grounds.
But Kyniska’s role was not secret. News of an Olympic victory was carried by fleet messengers to the victor’s home city, where preparations to celebrate their return were begun at once. News that a woman had won an Olympic contest would have spread quickly.
Many ancient Greek women won Olympic victories after Kyniska, but none were as famous as she was. She erected at least two life-size bronze statues of herself at Olympia. The inscription on a remaining fragment of her marble statue base reads: “Kings of Sparta were my fathers and brothers. I, Kyniska, victorious at the chariot race with her swift-footed horses, erected this statue. I claim that I am the only woman in all Greece who won this crown.”
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