3 Great Summers Bars In Athens

  • by XpatAthens
  • Monday, 15 July 2024
3 Great Summers Bars In Athens
Summer has come and Athens is brimming with bars ideal for night (and day) crawlers! There is an abundance of bars that have various cocktails to choose from, sophisticated spirits that offer breaths of coolness, and super views of the acropolis. 

If you feel a little spoiled for choice and don't know where to start from, here are 3 of our favorite summer bars!

The Zillers

The Zillers, a restaurant and bar, is located on the top level of a hotel and is a popular hotspot in the city. Visitors will enjoy an excellent view of the Acropolis and of Mitropoleos square. What else could you ask from an open-air space for your summer nights? Cocktails of course! You may try the Ipanem cocktail with cachaca, passion fruit, lime, honey, and candy. 
Where: Mitropoleos 54, Centre of Athens
210 322 2277

Odori Vermuteria Di Atene

Odori Vermuteria

The first Greek Vermouteria borrows its name from the smells and aromatic herbs used in cooking. Inside the Odori, you can find a drinks list that is more than generous. Not limited to classic cocktails, but "playing" different vermouth and selected Greek spirits to enjoy your drink in your own measures. There are 8 signature options based on an equal number of herbs that flavor vermouth and they say it's exactly what you need. The interior is reminiscent of the botanical garden and the tables that lead to Skouleniou street are more than suitable for after-office drinks and an evening spirit. 

Where: Skouleniou 2, Athens
210 3314674

Peace Of Mind

Peace of mind
From the center, we move on to Hymettous where something exciting awaits. Is it the freshly roasted coffee? Is it the refreshing cocktails and the tables outside? It is and it's all together in this hip espresso & cocktail bar which promises 'peace of mind,' but also countless summer nights (and days) on the comfortable terrace and the accompaniment of fine foreign musicians. Visitors must try their fresh homemade Sangria and Spicy Mule, with homemade syrup chili, pineapple, slices of cucumber, and spicy cayenne pepper grains. 

Where: Plateia Ymittou 3, Hymmetus
Telephone: 210 762 1880