May 1 Holiday Has Been Moved To May 3
- by XpatAthens
- Monday, 02 May 2016

The national May Day Holiday (or Protomagia in Greek) celebrated on May 1st 2016 will be moved to Tuesday May 3rd 2016 due to it coinciding with Greek Orthodox Easter Sunday.
This was a decision authorized and signed by Labour Minister George Katrougalos.
What the law says about working on this day:*
Business operation and employing employees is prohibited, except those who are legal to operate on Sundays and public holidays, such as companies in the health sector, tourism, transportation, food & beverage, factories with continuous hours, etc.
Employees who are paid by a wage, but who will not work on the May Day public holiday are entitled to receive their paid wages without any deduction. For employees paid by wage who will work on May 1, they are entitled to receive their wage with an increase of 75% which will be calculated at the statutory hourly rate for any hours worked.
If you are paid a monthly salary, and the company typically does operate on Sundays and public holidays then you are entitled to receive an increase of 75% calculated at the statutory hourly rate for any hours worked on this day. If you are employed with a company that typically does not work on Sundays and public holidays then you are entitled to receive an increase of 75% calculated at the statutory hourly rate for any hours worked on this day.
Source: Paidorama
* Please note, the information outlined is based on a report that has been translated from Greek and should be confirmed with your employer and local employment offices.