Attica Wildfires - How To Help
- by XpatAthens
- Wednesday, 25 July 2018

After the devastating fires in the Attica region of Greece, in the areas of Mati and Rafina, as well as Agioi Theodoroi and Kineta, people across the country are coming together to offer aid and help where possible. Below we have sourced as much information as we possible in the last day in order to provide the community with emergency information, and how to help the victims of this devastating fire. If you have information that can be added to this article, please email us at
Note, we were inform on Thursday July 26 by a local community member that Dimos Rafina & Pikermi are currently in need of blood donations, sheets and towels, as well as volunteers to help sort donations; food and water has been received in immense amounts. Please contact the mayor's office directly; this is the number we have sourced online: 2294 321001 and 210 6039550
Important Numbers
- General Help Line - call 108*
- Additional Line and missing persons reports - call 199
- Animal Help - 2108013302
- Medical Aid - If you know people that are diabetic and are in need of the drugs Lantus or Novorapid, please call +30 6970459926
Blood Donations
- Major hospitals in Athens and in the surrounding areas are in need of blood. Please get in touch with your local hospital or the National Blood Donation Center for more information on how to donate blood.
Shelter Resources
- For expats who want to offer their home to victims, please click here.
- Airbnb is asking anyone with available housing in the area indicated on the map (in the link), to please consider making their home available. Click here for more info.
- The stadium of Megara is open to those seeking shelter (tel. 229 608 1088).
- Free shelter and food in La Playa Marathon.
- Free shelter in hotel Nireas in Nea Makri (tel. 229 409 1214).
- Shelter provided at the 1st and 2nd primary schools of Agioi Theodoroi.
- Shelter provided at the Mayor's office "Dimarchio" and Cultural Center of Pnevmatiko Kentro in Rafina.
- Shelter and help at the Kineta and Megara Retirement Centers.
Monetary Donations
- The Municipality of the Rafina - Pikermi, along with Piraeus bank, created the following bank account to support all those in need.
- Bank name: Piraeus Bank
- Bank account: 5186092291418
- ΙΒΑΝ: GR20 0172 1860 0051 8609 2291 418
- Hellenic Red Cross - In order to facilitate all individuals or companies willing to offer financial support in favor of the people affected by the wild fires, they have opened the following bank account. Click here.
If You Are In Need of Supplies:
The central Sklavenitis supermarket in Rafina provide water and food.
In the center of Pikermi, the cafés Grigoris and Everest provide food and water.
- Cultural center of Nea Makri with water /food and First Aid.
- Food and water collection - Nea Makri (Avenue Marathon 104).
Resources for Pet and Animal Help
- For the people in Kineta, they can bring the animals to the courtyard of the Agioi Theodoroi church.
- In case of stray animals near any fire affected areas, please collect them and call 6975664142 to ask for further information.
- Nine Lives Greece is organizing a search-and-rescue mission this Friday (27-07) and Saturday (28-07) in the fire-stricken areas. They will need foster care for animals that they find. If you can offer any space to the affected animals, please email or message their Facebook page. Additionally, if you would like to offer transport help, cages, traps, leashes, cat or dog food, and/or basic medical supplies, please let NLG know.
The above information has been sourced from: Local community members, Greek Reporter, Peempip Facebook page, and the Foreigners Living in Greece Facebook group. We have tried our best to communicate this important information, but XpatAthens cannot take responsibility for inaccuracies.
We are deeply saddened by this devastating occurrence and hope to help in any way we can.
Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash.