Welcoming The Digital Citizens' Academy
- by XpatAthens
- Wednesday, 06 May 2020

What is the Digital Citizens' Academy?
It is a cutting edge initiative to gather, on a single platform, educational content aimed to improve the digital skills of citizens. The platform combines content from 29 different thematic units and includes 156 courses, more than 1500 teaching hours, from 23 vendors.
How Can I Use The Academy To Improve My Digital Skills?
Joining is free and does not require a complicated registration. All you need to do is select a category, a thematic unit, and a course that suits your interests and level of knowledge, which you can complete online at your own pace.
How Was The Content Selected? Is It Valid?
The content has been selected by a team of experts from the Ministry of Digital Governance in collaboration with Greek academics and experts in digital education. Greek and International experts warrant a) the quality of the content and structure of the educational platform and, b) the simplicity of use.
Will I Be Able To Find Courses That Meet My Needs?
The Digital Citizens' Academy is a dynamic platform, and the number of topics and courses will continue to grow, covering even broader educational needs. More and more vendors will contribute educational content, enabling citizens to make more extended use of the Digital Citizens' Academy.
Soon, the Digital Citizens' Academy will be offering self-diagnostic tools so that every citizen can assess the level of their digital skills. Depending on the results of the self-diagnostic tools and the personal goals of each trainee citizen, the platform will offer personalized 'educational paths,' combining courses from various providers.
Originally posted in Greek on nationaldigitalacademy.gov.gr
Originally posted in Greek on nationaldigitalacademy.gov.gr
Translated by Codico Lab