Bookukoo then puts you in contact with the book-owner through email.
Location-based: For the first time, you have the ability to specify your location on the map and let others know where your personal library is located. Bookukoo gives you the ability to search available books in certain geographical areas, for example find booklovers that live in the same neighborhood as you do.
Easy to use: Managing your library is very easy. You don’t have to type anything. When adding a book to your library you just use your camera to scan the barcode on the back of a book. Immediately all relevant information, such as title, author, and cover page is automatically retrieved. That’s as simple and error-free as it can be.
Unlimited usage: Users can perform an unlimited number of book-swaps. In other words, users can endlessly “recycle” their libraries, at no cost.
Point system: A point system is used in order to ensure fairness and guarantee that you will receive as many books as you provided to the community. You give one book, you get one book. You give 10, you get 10. The point system gives you the flexibility to move away from a book-for-book swap scheme. You can now give away a number of books, collect an equal number of tokens and redeem them later, when you receive books from other members of the bookukoo community.
Disclaimer: bookukoo is designed to work only for hard-copy books, not e-books.
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