Agorá Marketplace - A Digital Marketplace Of Local Greek Products
- by XpatAthens
- Monday, 26 April 2021

In Ancient Greece, public life was at its most vibrant in the agorá! It was a public space that played a significant role in every aspect of social life - it also served as a marketplace where merchants kept stalls or shops to sell their products. It is this idea that inspired us to create our own Agorá in the form of an open digital space on our trusted platform where the international community can gather, navigate, and discover local products by local Greek businesses, designers, food producers, artists, authors, and independent creators.
We’re so excited to announce the launch of our
Although this new section of our website comes to life during a vital time to support local business and local economy, for us at XpatAthens AMKE, our Agorá is an added piece of our whole platform that further empowers our mission of contributing to the local community while living global experiences. Learn more about our Agorá below.
Why did we create the Agorá Marketplace? What’s behind the idea?
Our Agorá was created with the intention of connecting the international community with local Greek products. Always in alignment with our mission and nonprofit causes, we strive to bridge our readers with the local community in order to enhance their experience of living in Greece, while simultaneously supporting local businesses.
Just like it was in Ancient Greece, our Agorá is a marketplace where our community of global citizens can gather and explore local Greek products of quality, value and authenticity.
Just like it was in Ancient Greece, our Agorá is a marketplace where our community of global citizens can gather and explore local Greek products of quality, value and authenticity.
Who benefits from the Agorá Marketplace?
Everyone. Our Agorá is a space dedicated to supporting local businesses and local producers by sharing their products and telling their stories; while giving Greece’s international community the chance to discover local products and support local businesses. In other words, this unique space on XpatAthens benefits both our readers and local Greek businesses.
Why share your products in our marketplace?
Listing your products in our digital marketplace means that you’ll be seen by our unique community of readers who follow us both locally and internationally. Our Agorá is about connecting people with local Greek products and we do this with the intention of sharing and connecting our readers with local businesses.
Note, products are never purchased directly from XpatAthens, they are simply showcased (shared) in our Agorá. Those interested in making a purchase are directed via a hyperlink to the producers website directly. Additionally, XpatAthens does not receive commissions or donations for products discovered on our platform.
How much does it cost to post a product?
In alignment with the rest of our uploading fees, the charge for uploading products to our platform is as follows:
1 Product Post: €10 +vat (€12,40)
1 Year of Product Posts (limited to 5 monthly): €75 +vat (€93)
1 Year of Product Posts for Nonprofits & Charities: No Charge
1 Year of Product Posts (limited to 5 monthly): €75 +vat (€93)
1 Year of Product Posts for Nonprofits & Charities: No Charge
How does XpatAthens make money from Agorá Marketplace?
XpatAthens does not receive commissions or donations for products that are discovered in our Agorá. As outlined above, we charge a small amount for uploading products to our platform. Products are never purchased directly from XpatAthens, they are simply showcased (shared) in our Agorá. Those interested in purchasing a product are directed via a hyperlink to the producer's website directly.
If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to contact us!