Stress Relief Workshop for Students (University)


Who's this for:

University students of all ages (undergraduates, postgraduates, and Ph.D. candidates) who want to learn how to use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to help them manage the stress of an upcoming situation or challenge to stay productive and motivated. 

Workshop description: 
In this small online workshop, students learn a mindfulness exercise that has been proven to effectively release stress from the body, by reducing the stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline). Eleni Vardaki is an experienced workshop leader who leads wellbeing workshops for parents, students, and teachers. 

This workshop is for university students who are open to developing their mindfulness and focus skills by reducing the stress they feel when they think about a difficult situation or a school-related challenge they have to face. 

The core focus of this workshop will be for students to learn how to do the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is an evidence-based approach to reducing stress and overwhelm.

Small and cozy: 

This workshop is capped at 6 participants, to create a cozy and comfortable learning environment for all.


This is an online workshop for high school students all over the world. The session will take place on Zoom. You will receive the Zoom video conference call link with instructions for how to join the workshop via e-mail, once your payment is processed. 

Please be aware:

This is not a group therapy session. It is an educational workshop where the goal is for students to leave having experienced a self-soothing technique that they can use to reduce stress, improve focus, and improve their ability to motivate themself.