Lecture On The Ceramic Sidelight About The Archaeology Of Cyprus In The Roman Period
- When: 12 Jun 2018
- Time: 19:00 - 19:00
- Where: Herefondos 14A, Plaka
- Title: Lecture On The Ceramic Sidelight About The Archaeology Of Cyprus In The Roman Period
- Email: info@diathens.gr
- Contact Number: +30 210 32 44 644
- Website: www.diathens.gr/en

The Danish Institute at Athens is pleased to invite you to a fascinating lecture in English by John Lund, Senior Researcher at the National Museum of Denmark.
The main aim of this event is to contradict the theory that the distinctive "Cypriot character" has been deluded, especially after the political union of the island by the Ptolemies in Egypt and the Romans.
Based on the ceramic evidence and distribution of local and imported pottery in Cyrpus, a continued existence of regional exchange networks during Roman times is indicated.
The paper will continue with what some might imply is actually an early sign of globalization, that being the engulfment of the island by mass produced and standardized ceramic fine wares from the 1st centrury BC onwards, putting the indigenous makers of such products out of business.
The experienced researcher will conclude with a fresh look at the period when ceramic fine wares were scarce, in an attempt to explain this intriguin phenomenon.