Borderless Places - Kappatos Gallery
- When: 18 Jan 2019 - 23 Feb 2019
- Where: Athinas A12, Athens - Monastiraki Metro Station
- Title: Borderless Places - Kappatos Gallery
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- Contact Number: 210 3217931
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Kappatos gallery presents the second solo exhibition of Yorgos Papafigos. The exhibition’ s subject area is about human relation with new technologies and the World Wide Web and the concomitant influence that they exert on him through references to the video game aesthetics and the Internet culture.
A new series of artworks like moving images focuses on the Digital era and how immateriality affects human’ s perception of the real world through digital content (sound and image), which are generated entirely in the CPU. These digital artworks are a mash-up of disquieting situations, which take place in a fake world. Animated monochromatic bodies without a specific gender identity or ethnicity or imaginary borderless places , which have been affected by ecological devastation. The compositions and environments consist of 3D modeling and 3D scanning data while the physical sculptures are related to the other components allegorically, as they represent hybrid objects.
The exhibition will present a selection of drawings, 3D printed installations and animation.
Yorgos Papafigos was born in Larisa, Greece in 1989. He studied at the School of Fine Art of the Visual and Applied Arts Department of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki
(2015) and MA Royal College of Art - Moving Image(2018). He has presented his work in the solo show Reality of Paradox at Kappatos Gallery, Athens (2015) and in group shows in museums and galleries in Greece and abroad, including Whitechapel gallery open screenings(2018), 25th Drawing Show at Boston centre for the arts(2017), New Digital Art Biennale(2017), CICA Museum, South Korea (2017), The right to be human, Goethe Institute, Thessaloniki (2017).
Opening: Friday January 18 at 20:00 p.m.
Exhibition’s Duration: 18 Jan- 23 Feb
Τue - Fri:12:00-20:00, Sat 12:00-15:00.
Opening: Friday January 18 at 20:00 p.m.
Exhibition’s Duration: 18 Jan- 23 Feb
Τue - Fri:12:00-20:00, Sat 12:00-15:00.