February «Thursday Meetups» At The Hellenic American Union
- When: 07 Feb 2019 - 14 Feb 2019
- Time: 19:00 - 21:00
- Where: Hellenic American Union, Massalias 22, Athens
- Price: Free
- Title: February «Thursday Meetups» At The Hellenic American Union
- Email: culture@hau.gr
- Contact Number: 210 3680052
- Website: www.hau.gr/?i=culture.en.home

The Hellenic American Union in collaboration with PhotoCircle will be hosting "Thursday Meetups'', where modern Greek photographers present their art work and conduct constructive discussions with the audience about their approaches and choices.
All photographers are selected by the renowned, Plato Rivellis.
All photographers are selected by the renowned, Plato Rivellis.
- February 7: Giorgos Vogiatzakis, Nikiforos Mandilaras and Chrysa Skopeliti.
- February 14: Alekos Theofanidis, Mania Benisi and Nikos Tsiforos.