Women Living With A Chronic Disease & The Economic Disadvantages
- Title: Women Living With A Chronic Disease & The Economic Disadvantages
- Website: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_BWPak26DCkp19jDT9tVuJUubqQ4fYHJpeGN5Ev3HRfXP_g/viewform

I need your help with a huge favour. For the EuHIC Congress I have planned a unique and informative session titled: "Women living with a chronic disease and the economic disadvantages“
Living with a chronic disease is like having a second job and I am convinced we are all aware of that. There are lots of discussions and decisions to make. It is also important for us to live independently.But what is with us women living with a chronic disease?
I have spoken and chatted with women across Europe who live with chronic diseases. In my experience it is difficult for most of these women to live with the daily burden of their disease, to find a good job, have a good life and also be well insured
Living with a disease requires more money.
Alternative therapy options are not always reimbursed by health insurances, for example special foods, clothes and lots of other things are often more expensive than their “normal life” equivalents.With a lower budget, there is a higher risk of social isolation, depression or the disease progressing and symptoms increasing.
In order to show real results and create awareness I want to carry out this session and I need answers. Please take part in my survey and motivate other women to answer.
For changing the perspective and create a shift.
Thank you very much for your support and help.
Every voice is highly appreciated!
Birgit Bauer