Athens Garden Festival 2018


Athens Garden Festival 2018
For the 6th consecutive year, Athens Cultural Network and City of Athens Cultural, Sports and Youth Organization welcome musicophile residents and visitors of the city to the well-established Athens Gardens Festival at the National Garden.

8th, 9th and 10th June the National Garden turns into an open stage with 8 special concerts for adults and children to enjoy cool music evenings until sunset, with free admission

National Garden Festival Schedule:

Friday 8 June 2018

Opening at 18:30 (central stage - Asteri place, entrance from Vassilisis Amalias Ave)

19:00 City of Athens Choir 

20:00 Hellenic Musica Viva Orchestra - Ludmila Limorova

Saturday 9 June
(2nd stage – Beside the playground, from Irodou Attikou St)

18:00 DILEMMA in cinema sounds(central stage - Asteri place, entrance from Vassilisis Amalias Ave)

19:00 City of Athens Philharmonic Orchestra

20:00 Encardia

Sunday 10 June 2018
(2nd stage – Beside the playground, from Irodou Attikou St)

18:00 Athens Music High School Choir(central stage - Asteri place, entrance from Vassilisis Amalias Ave)

19:00 Childre and  Youth Symphony Orchestra - Nina Patrikidou

20:00 City of Athens Symphony Orchestra