Comicdom Con Athens 2019


The greatest Greek comics’ convention opens its doors to the public for the 14th consecutive year!

Comicdom Con Athens meets once again with comics fans at the Hellenic American Union and the Institut français de Grèce à Athènes and transforms an entire neighborhood of Neapolis into the largest comics’ celebration.

International guests of this year's festival include, among others:

- The acclaimed Spanish artist
Raúl Allén, (The Immortal Iron Fist, Secret Avengers and Hawkeye)

- The British writer Dan Watters (Assassin's Creed, Limbo, The Shadow, Lucifer)

- The Spanish artist, illustrator and letterer Patricia Martin (Wonder Woman, Bloodshot Reborn, Ninjak)

- The Italian artist Stefano Zanchi (Topolino, Donald Quest).

Comicdom Con Athens 2019 features also include comics exhibitions, film screenings, workshops for scriptwriting and illustrating, a children’s program, a bazaar of Greek comics shops and publishers, the artists' alley, the self publishers' alley, the Greek Comics Awards and the ever more popular Comicdom Cosplay contest, which is the national qualifying competition for the London Eurocosplay.