Researchers’ Night 2019
- When: 27 Sep 2019
- Time: 17:00 - 17:00
- Where: Cultural Centre «Hellenic Cosmos» 254, Piraeus street
- Price: Free
- Title: Researchers’ Night 2019
- Email:
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An amazing event celebrating Science and Research
All over Europe, in Athens and other 9 Greek cities!
Researchers' Night is the biggest pan-European science and research celebration held annually in more than 300 cities all over Europe. This year's Researchers’ Night in Greece will take place at the Cultural Centre «Hellenic Cosmos» (254, Piraeus Street) and at the National Technical University (the historical Averof Building) in Athens, as well as in many other Greek cities on Friday 27 September 2019, from 17.00 to 24.00. Admission to the event is free.
Research opens its doors to the wider public, offering us the opportunity to meet the people of science through presentations, experiments, scientific events specially designed for students, workshops for teachers, competitions and a variety of educational and attractive events.
Moreover, shortly before the main event, a number of pre-events will take place to familiarize the public with the aims and the research work of the participating scientific organizations/ co-organizers: the National Observatory of Athens, NCSR "Demokritos", the National Hellenic Research Foundation, the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, the “Athena” Research Centre and the Hellenic Pasteur Institute will open up their premises to the public.
Apart from its main research centers/co-organizers, Researchers’ Night is joined by a number of participating scientific/educational intuitions with original research activity that will attract the interest of children and adults alike.