11th Athens Open Air Film Festival
- When: 14 Jun 2021 - 20 Aug 2021
- Where: Various Locations
- Price: Free
- Title: 11th Athens Open Air Film Festival
- Email: info@aiff.gr
- Contact Number: + 30 210 6018 565
- Website: www.aoaff.gr/aoaff_english_2018_news/arthro/11_aoaff_program-15554879/

Athens turns into a vast, open-air cinema! Summer blockbusters, all-time classics, local gems and special events in the biggest open-air festival in the city!
The most cherished film institution is returning for the 11th time, assuring that all the screening of the Athens Open Air Film Festival will take place providing a premium audiovisual experience and, of course, strictly complying with the measures for public health protection and social distancing, as required in open-air cinemas.
Entrance is free but you will first need to acquire an admission pass, at least three days before each screening
Entrance is free but you will first need to acquire an admission pass, at least three days before each screening