Tapping In Schools Summit
- When: 18 Oct 2022
- Price: Free
- Title: Tapping In Schools Summit
- Email: eleni@elenivardaki.com
- Contact Number: 6983753137
- Website: elenivardaki.com

Learn how a simple stress management tool called EFT Tapping has been brought into schools to:
✓ improve student and teacher well-being.
✓ create a calmer learning environment in the classroom.
✓ boost performance in tests, exams, sports, and theater.
✓ improve students' emotional self-regulation, self-management, concentration, productivity, and motivation.
✓ stop panic attacks and anxiety attacks in tests and exams.
✓ increase pro-social behavior in class and on the playground.
✓ increase school attendance rates and positive mental health.
✓ improve student and teacher well-being.
✓ create a calmer learning environment in the classroom.
✓ boost performance in tests, exams, sports, and theater.
✓ improve students' emotional self-regulation, self-management, concentration, productivity, and motivation.
✓ stop panic attacks and anxiety attacks in tests and exams.
✓ increase pro-social behavior in class and on the playground.
✓ increase school attendance rates and positive mental health.
This international online event is organized by Athens-based Educational Consultant, Eleni Vardaki.
Come to follow her 10-15 minute interviews of experienced school psychologists, teachers, and world-renowned EFT researchers talk about the effectiveness of this self-soothing method for improving student and teacher wellbeing (as well as grades).
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, also known as 'tapping', has been around for more than 40 years, and researched now for more than 20. It uses a combination of cognitive and body-based (somatic) methods to reduce stress. The 250+ published journal articles show it's affects a range of biochemistry in the body (e.g. blood pressure, brain activity, coritsol, and DNA expression).