Athens English Comedy Club Presents: George Zacharopoulos | Greek Unorthodox |


  • When: 04 Jun 2023
  • Time: 21:00 - 21:00
  • Where: Eliart Theater
  • Title: Athens English Comedy Club Presents: George Zacharopoulos | Greek Unorthodox |
  • Email: athensenglishcomedyclub@gmail.com
  • Contact Number: 6987994689
Athens English Comedy Club Presents: George Zacharopoulos | Greek Unorthodox |
Born and raised in Kalamata, George has gone on to dominate the UK comedy scene, headlining in the biggest comedy clubs as well as appearing on BBC One several times. He has performed sold out shows at both the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. In the last 2 years he has perfomed in 22 countries, while his videos have millions of views online.

This year, George won the International Comedian of the Year award at Melbourne Comedy Festival. This show is a collection of the best material he has done when touring.

Buy tickets HERE!


* Early-bird (til May 28th) : €14
* General admission (after May 28th): €16
* At the door: 

We also offer 3 free tickets per show to persons with disabilities or unemployed persons (phone reservation required).

Recommended for audiences aged 16 and above.