Jazz Friday Nights At The Acropolis Museum Restaurant
- When: 27 Nov 2015 - 31 Dec 2018
- Where: Acropolis Museum, 15 Dionysiou Areopagitou Street
- Title: Jazz Friday Nights At The Acropolis Museum Restaurant
- Email: info@theacropolismuseum.gr
- Contact Number: +30 210 9000915
- Website: www.theacropolismuseum.gr/en/content/jazz-friday-nights-acropolis-museum-restaurant

Every Friday, the Restaurant on the second floor is open until 12 midnight offering special gourmet choices and beautiful night views of the Acropolis. The Restaurant renews its menu with seasonal dishes, using the finest products from every region of Greece, prepared in traditional methods.
Other than the special dishes based on traditional recipes, every Friday night the Acropolis Museum restaurant presents famous jazz music ensembles (musicians include Spyros Rontogiannis, George Tsiropoulos, George Mikros, Arionas Gyftakis and Christos Koromilas). Like every Friday, the restaurant is open until 12 midnight, offering a dinner menu from 8 p.m. onwards.
For reservations, please contact the restaurant during Museum opening hours on +30 210 9000915. Visitors not wishing to dine at the restaurant are welcomed for a cold dish or dessert in a special restaurant area without reservation.