50 Years Hard Rock Cafe
- When: 14 Jun 2021
- Where: Hard Rock Cafe Athens
- Price: 0.71
- Title: 50 Years Hard Rock Cafe
- Email: Athens_salescoordinator@hardrock.com
- Contact Number: 210 3245170
- Website: www.hardrockcafe.com/location/athens/event-calendar.aspx?date=6/14/2021&display=event&eventid=1732598
To celebrate our 50th Anniversary on June 14th, we’re honouring our 1971 beginnings with a €0.71 Country Burger!
From 12- 1pm. and 5-6 pm we serve the country burger for 71cents.
Reserve your table to enjoy!
From 12- 1pm. and 5-6 pm we serve the country burger for 71cents.
Reserve your table to enjoy!