Pop Up Brunch At Kypseli Municipal Market
- When: 15 May 2022
- Where: Kypseli Municipal Market
- Title: Pop Up Brunch At Kypseli Municipal Market
- Website: cityfestival.thisisathens.org/en/pop-up-brunch-at-kypseli-municipal-market-2/

It is a known and beloved recipe. Once every month, a bunch of restaurants and tasty food projects settle their stalls in a roofed, handy for gatherings, arcade next to Fokionos Negri street, open to young, old, baby carriages, wheelchairs and pets.
With different stalls every time, the collective pop up brunch hosted at Kypseli’s Agora, operated by Impact Hub Athens, looks like a small food fair. Well-known delicacies from all over the city, as well as new entries that focus on captivating us with both their taste and their wide smiles, are a good reason for a walk to Kypseli on a Sunday anytime between 11:00 and 17:00.
The event follows all required guidelines of the public health authority to prevent the spread of COVID 19.