Technopolis Vinyl Market
- When: 15 Apr 2022 - 17 Apr 2022
- Where: Technopolis, 100 Pireos, Gazi, 118 54
- Title: Technopolis Vinyl Market
- Email:
- Contact Number: +30 210 346 1589
- Website:

Calling all vinyl lovers! Your favorite event, the Technopolis Vinyl Market is back for its regular fiesta on April 15-17, 2022.
The vinyl market returns enriched with new collections and fresh releases, as well as many other music exhibits. You'll get the chance to dig amongst what both vinyl stores and private sellers will be showing off and discover disks from the entire music range, from rock and jazz to ethnic and reggaeton.
Of course, as always, pleasant music will thrill you throughout the event. You can expect DJ performances, contests, and sideshows, but don't let them distract you from that sought-after catalog number!
Days & Hours:
Friday: 17.00-22.00
Saturday & Sunday: 11.00-22.00
The vinyl market returns enriched with new collections and fresh releases, as well as many other music exhibits. You'll get the chance to dig amongst what both vinyl stores and private sellers will be showing off and discover disks from the entire music range, from rock and jazz to ethnic and reggaeton.
Of course, as always, pleasant music will thrill you throughout the event. You can expect DJ performances, contests, and sideshows, but don't let them distract you from that sought-after catalog number!
Days & Hours:
Friday: 17.00-22.00
Saturday & Sunday: 11.00-22.00