A Celtic Storytelling - Pot Of Gold
- When: 13 May 2018 - 03 Jun 2018
- Time: 19:00 - 20:30
- Where: Art Space (Xoros Texnis) - Kallirois 10, Athens
- Price: Normal: 8.00 € Child / student / unemployed: 5,00 €
- Title: A Celtic Storytelling - Pot Of Gold
- Contact Number: 210 92 10 077

Following the highly successful series of performances of the 1st Panhellenic Fairytale Festival (2017), the "Pot of Gold" team sets off for a limited number of appearances in the hospitable scene of Art Space (Xoros Texnis)"14th Day", narrating musical legends and legends of Celtic tradition.
Starting from the excellent collection of Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916), the "Pot of Gold" group delivers with honest respect, but in a free and creative spirit with the form of musical narrations, the magical world of Celts, where lyricism meets power and romance!
In a dreamlike environment of innovative lines and musical compositions, multidimensional orchestrations, melodic interpretations and kinesiological excitements, the Pot of Gold team approaches with the sensitivity of a "seanchaidh" the inwardness and richness of this tradition which was lost in in the depths of the ages and attempts to make reality one with the imaginary element and coexistence of absolutely natural expressions of Celts idioms.
Sunday 13/5/18
Sunday 20/5/18
Sunday 27/5/18
Sunday 3/6/18
*Perfomances will be held in Greek