Full Moon Night Yoga On The Acropolis Roof Deck
- When: 26 Aug 2018 - 26 Aug 2018
- Time: 21:30 - 22:30
- Where: Acropolis Roof Deck
- Title: Full Moon Night Yoga On The Acropolis Roof Deck
- Email: lynn@lynnroulo.com

Join Lynn Roulo for a Full Moon Night Yoga on Sunday, Aug 26th! These nights are magical.
A few details:
-Class is a one hour, all levels Kundalini Yoga class. All levels means you can do this class. Yes, you.
-You can borrow a mat free of charge.
-Class is in English with some Greek translation.
-This is a donation based class (give what you want and can afford).
-Doors open at 21:00, class is from 21:30-22:30. Please be sure to be on time. Doors will close at 21:30
-if you haven't been to the Acropolis Roof Deck, please message me for the address (lynn@lynnroulo.com).
See you there!
A few details:
-Class is a one hour, all levels Kundalini Yoga class. All levels means you can do this class. Yes, you.
-You can borrow a mat free of charge.
-Class is in English with some Greek translation.
-This is a donation based class (give what you want and can afford).
-Doors open at 21:00, class is from 21:30-22:30. Please be sure to be on time. Doors will close at 21:30
-if you haven't been to the Acropolis Roof Deck, please message me for the address (lynn@lynnroulo.com).
See you there!