9th Athens Tango Marathon
- When: 02 Nov 2018 - 04 Nov 2018
- Time: 22:00 - 00:00
- Where: TANGart - Kallirrois 10, Athina
- Title: 9th Athens Tango Marathon
- Website: www.tangomarathons.gr/

Athens is a European historical city and a great Tango Destination, famous for the advanced level of tango dancers!
Athens Tango Marathon is for tangueros and tangueras who want to dance with great partners, in amazing tango-venues, with well-selected tandas by international star djs.
As always, we try to keep high-level standards with a dream team of International DJs.
At the moment, Athens Tango Marathon is considered as one of the best organized international tango marathons in Europe and you are welcome to discover why!
A well-experienced line up of TDJs, many dancers from all over the world and special guests will be among us just to make this marathon dreamy.
Meet the well known Greek culture and hospitality!
Be part of our wonderful Athens Tango Marathon!
Enjoy a lot of priceless fun and much more!
See you on the dance floor!