Nefeli Nine Virtual Retreat
- When: 02 Jun 2020 - 06 Jun 2020
- Time: 18:40 - 18:40
- Price: Donation Based
- Title: Nefeli Nine Virtual Retreat
- Email:
- Contact Number: +306974184632
- Website:

Some of us live in parts of the world where restrictions are being eased gently, or less gently. In Greece, restrictions continue to lift.
Despite this, we need to be very careful about mingling and ensuring that we keep social distancing uppermost in our minds. That's why the team at Nefeli Nine Retreat decided to keep their retreat program online for the moment.
From June 2nd - 6th, 2020 join Nefeli Nine Virtual Retreat for a week of inspiring, fun, and creative activities you can do from the safety of your home!
Take a look through the brochure to see what activities tickle your fancy. All classes will be delivered through the Zoom conference platform.
Suggested donations for the retreat:
1 Class - €7
3 Class Pass - €15
Full Access Pass - €50
The sign-up process is very simple:
2. If you are able to, click here to make a donation. (Please note that you have to manually input the amount you wish to contribute)